Trailing Shoe Applicators
Premium Plus™
Trailing Shoe Injectors
Designed to be used with either an umbilical or tankermounted system, each trailing shoe carefully deposits a predetermined and a uniform volume of slurry/manure straight onto the soil surface. This approach maximises the amount of nitrogen available for plant uptake and minimises odour from the slurry/manure. It also means the slurry/manure can be applied more precisely on fields of growing plants, without contaminating the leaves.
A further benefit is that the SlurryKat trailing shoe system can be used in conjunction with a rotational grazing system, allowing slurry/manure to be applied after each grazing so that pastures can regenerate.
CASE STUDY: Trailing Shoe Umbilical System - Hillsborough
The client is a mixed farming enterprise in Royal Hillsborough, Co Down, Northern Ireland.
Spreading 4.5 million gallons of slurry per year on 800 acres of silage, growing cereal crops and stubble ground ...

Trailing Shoe Injectors
SlurryKat’s new range of budget Farmline Trailing shoes allow farmers to fit these to their existing tanker or use as a complete new tanker unit.
Features of the new Farmline Trailing shoe range demonstrate the usual high manufacturing quality expected from SlurryKat.
Crash Protection System
Booms on 9m & 10.5m Farmline trailing shoes are fitted with SlurryKat's unique crash protection, in the event that they come into contact with a pole or fence etc., the booms will fold back to prevent damaging the machine with a shear bolt reset.
Available in 6, 7.5 metre working widths and now in NEW & upgraded 9m & 10.5m. Click HERE for information on the new products.
Standard Features:
- Can be fitted directly to SlurryKat Premium PlusTM tanker or to any other tanker via Inspection Hatch with hatch mounting kit
- Optimum 250mm delivery spacing
- Single macerator distribution head
- Self-sharpening and self-adjusting blades as std
- Danfoss hydraulic drive
- Stone/debris trap protection system
- Vertical hydraulic folding
- UV & Urea resistant delivery hoses
- Fully galvanised construction
- Crash protection system (9m and 10.5m trailing shoes)
- Splash plate c/w hydraulic gate valve
- Swan neck attachment for splash plate